About me

Hi, here is Zijie (黄子婕 in chinese). I am pursuing PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at University of Bristol. My research interests encompass the expansive field of trustworthy AI techniques. Specifically, my focus is on elevating the interpretability, fairness, and accountability of diverse machine learning models. This includes, but is not limited to, neural network, generative AI, and autonomous decision-making aligned with human values.

For more details about me, here is my CV.

Research Project

Energy-efficient and Explainable Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Industrial Internet of Things

Ethical Decision-making for Moral Dilemmas Inside of Autonomous Buses

Digital-twin assisted Ethical Decision-making for Moral Dilemmas Inside of Autonomous Buses


  • An Energy-efficient And Trustworthy Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Framework (EATU) for IIoT
  • Zijie Huang, Yulei Wu, Niccolò Tempini, Hui Lin, Hao Yin
    ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (2022)

  • A Survey on Explainable Anomaly Detection for Industrial Internet of Things
  • Zijie Huang, Yulei Wu
    The 2022 5th IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE DSC 2022)

  • Ethical Decision-making for the Inside of Autonomous Buses Moral Dilemmas
  • Zijie Huang, Yulei Wu, Niccolò Tempini, Haina Tang

    In submission to IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence Journal


Academic & Professional Experience